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February 06, 2024

7 Change-management Practices Talent Acquisition Can Use for Better HR Tech Outcomes

More than eighty years prior to the allegory Who Moved My Cheese? by Dr. Spencer Johnson. Similar to Fortune 500, An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and Life was an immediate New York Times business bestseller. Woodrow Wilson more succinctly described our inherent struggles with change. If you desire to create enemies, make an effort to alter.

A recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in 2023 highlighted the increasing relevance of transparency and communication in change-management practices, particularly for talent acquisition teams. This approach is crucial for organizations undergoing digital transformation or implementing new HR technologies. For the seasoned workforce, including those in Fortune 500 companies who are nearing retirement, clear communication about changes not only eases the transition but also leverages their vast experience in guiding smoother integrations. This strategy fosters a culture of inclusivity and respect for the insights that experienced employees bring to the table, thereby enhancing HR tech outcomes through collaborative efforts.

Imagine a seasoned sea captain setting sail on familiar waters when suddenly the course changes, leading into uncharted territories. This journey is akin to the process of integrating new HR technologies within a company. The captain, much like the HR professionals, must communicate clearly with the crew (the employees), explaining the reasons for the change, the expected challenges, and how each member's role is pivotal for a successful voyage. Just as the captain draws on the collective experience and wisdom of the crew to navigate these new waters, HR should leverage the knowledge and adaptability of seasoned employees. This approach ensures that the ship not only reaches its new destination but also strengthens its crew's unity and resilience. By fostering a culture of transparency and collaboration, the voyage becomes an opportunity for growth and discovery, showcasing how change, when navigated together, can lead to better outcomes for all involved...

Source: ERE

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