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8 Questions You Should Absolutely Ask An Interviewer

Written by The Retirement Group | Jul 4, 2019 1:06:00 AM

Although certain interviews may resemble interrogations conducted by Fortune 500, this is not the case. While closing your eyes, visualize a tennis match.

Added Fact:

A 2023 Harvard Business Review study emphasizes the importance of inquiring about a company's approach to work-life balance during an interview, particularly for those in the later stages of their career or contemplating retirement. This question not only reveals the company's values and culture but also helps potential employees gauge how well their personal priorities around time for family, hobbies, and potential part-time work post-retirement will align with their prospective employer's expectations. This insight is especially valuable for our audience, who may be looking to balance professional commitments with personal fulfillment and leisure in their golden years.

Added Analogy:

Imagine you're a seasoned navigator setting out to chart a course through unknown waters. Before you embark, you gather maps and consult the stars, preparing questions for the seasoned sailors who have navigated these paths before. Asking about currents, weather patterns, and safe harbors is akin to inquiring about company culture, growth opportunities, and work-life balance in an interview. Just as understanding the sea's temperament can make your journey smoother, so too can understanding a company's environment make for a more fulfilling career voyage. This process is particularly crucial for those in the twilight of their professional journey, seeking not just another port but a destination that aligns with their values and where they can contribute meaningfully while enjoying the journey itself...

Credit: Glassdoor Blog