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September 02, 2023
Verizon has chosen not to layoff employees during the pandemic. However, Verizon was already planning to cut $10 billion in spending by 2021. This plan was put in place before the pandemic hit. It’s ...
September 02, 2023
Lockheed Martin had already begun cutting benefits before the Coronavirus took its toll on the world economy. According to Barron’s, “Lockheed Martin (LMT) finished freezing its defined-benefit ...
September 02, 2023
Caterpillar decided to freeze its pension plan back in 2010 in order to cut costs. This begs the question, what will Caterpillar do to save their dividend in 2021?
September 02, 2023
There has been a consistent economic trend which shows that when a recession hits corporations will decrease or suspend benefits. We witnessed this in the 2001 recession when General Motors, Charles ...
September 02, 2023
Social Security Identifying optimal ways to claim Social Security is essential to your retirement income planning. For many retirees, understanding and claiming Social Security can be difficult. ...
September 02, 2023
As a resource for those who have retired from Kaiser Permanente, this page provides information to help guide you through life after working. From pensions to 401(k) handling and everything in ...