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September 02, 2023
As we've covered in the past, ExxonMobil has made protecting its dividend a priority. On Thursday ExxonMobil made some major announcements in regard to both job cuts and the dividend. The company has ...
September 02, 2023
You are eligible for the plan if you are a regular employee, an Extended Part-time employee, a retiree, or a survivor of a regular or extended part-time employee or retiree. You are not eligible for ...
September 02, 2023
1. Will ExxonMobil Announce Layoffs or a Dividend Cut on Friday?
September 02, 2023
As a recruiter I’ve noticed that my most successful clients are always the ones who are prepared for the worst case scenario. There is a strong possibility that this Friday the worst case scenario ...
September 02, 2023
As a recruiter my clients ask me all the time for tips on how to stay afloat while you’re in-between jobs. However, I’ve noticed people don’t often know what steps to take before they leave their ...
September 02, 2023
As stated in your Merck SPD, Annual enrollment for your Merck benefits usually occurs each fall (Ex. Oct. 24 - Nov. 15, 2019.). Before it begins, you will be mailed enrollment materials and an ...